‘Just the tip of the iceberg’: Study uncovers DISTURBING vaccine side effects

Americans who spoke out against the COVID-19 vaccines were painted as conspiracy theorists for the better part of the last four years, but they’re finally being vindicated.

Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and chief scientific officer of the Wellness Company, has been one of those “conspiracy theorists,” but now he has the proof. In a shocking peer-reviewed study that mainstream media outlets won’t touch, a high likelihood of correlation between the COVID-19 vaccine and death was found.


“The peer-reviewed literature has now about 4,000 papers on fatal and non-fatal vaccines, disabilities, and deaths. So no, it’s not a shock,” he adds.

“When we look at the mRNA vaccines, where do we go from here? Do they have a future? Do you think that they get shut down at this point?” Savage asks.

“There are multiple calls to shut it down, that the platform is not safe, that none of the COVID-19 vaccines are safe for human use. The World Council for Health in the U.K. was the first to call for that, now [from the] Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Doctors for COVID Ethics — there are now literally dozens of calls for the vaccines to be removed,” McCullough explains.


“The censorship in the medical literature is significant. It comes at the editorial reviewers and the publisher level. What’s unprecedented are papers being fully published, contracted, copyrighted, indexed in the National Library of Medicine, and then having them be retracted for no specific reason,” McCullough explains.

“I have been an editor of two major journals in the past, and I can tell you, it’s my estimate that only 1% of these papers are fully getting through and being published. Only 1%. So 4,000 papers describing all these concerning side effects, it’s just the tip of the iceberg,” he adds.

* Original Article:
