The teenager said she was forced to sit out the rest of the volleyball season during her senior year. She also had ambitions of playing college softball but ended up being ruled out because of her injuries, which left her feeling depressed.
In April last year, Ms McNabb testified at the North Carolina general assembly in favour of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Bill, which sought to ban transgender athletes female school athletics.
‘Extra tutoring’
Ms McNabb is now studying marketing at Western Carolina University, but claimed she still suffers from debilitating headaches and anxiety, both of which started suddenly after the injury.
As a result of her injuries, she also claimed she requires extra tutoring for memory loss and retention issues.
In the documentary called Kill Shot: How Payton McNabb Turned Tragedy Into Triumph, footage of the incident is included as well as interviews with her mother, Pamela, who said she “would never, ever let her play today if I knew what I know now”.
“It is not worth what has happened to her to happen to anybody else’s child,” she said.
* Original Article: