Regarding the Dec. 29 editorial “Rounding up immigrants is not a job for Iowa soldiers and police,” by definition illegal immigrants have committed a crime. They are in our country illegally, which means they have broken a law. Is not breaking a law considered a crime? Is it not the job of police and law enforcement to apprehend criminals or those who break the law? So what is so wrong with the police assisting with the apprehension of criminals?
Dennis Pine, Sioux City
Shut off the water!
Wasting water ranks high on my list of irritations. It is selfish and irresponsible when people mindlessly let water run while washing dishes, cleaning vegetables, shaving, or brushing their teeth.
A few years ago, I was in Haiti and talked with women who routinely walk two to three miles each day to get clean water. If they saw how Americans waste water, they would be appalled.
I did an experiment to see how much water is wasted if the bathroom faucet is on for two minutes, the recommended time to brush teeth. About 2 gallons went down the drain. If a person leaves water running for four minutes while shaving with a safety razor, that’s 4 gallons. These two daily grooming activities equate to 8 gallons of water, if teeth are brushed twice daily.
We are conscientious about not wasting food, gas, and electricity. Let’s include water in that group!
Carters worked hard in Iowa
In 1976, as an employee of U.S. Sen. Dick Clark, I was honored to be able to drive Jimmy Carter’s wife, Rosalynn, and his mother, Lillian, for his presidential campaign. With Lillian Carter in New Hampton, at 1:30 a.m., she was sitting on top of a folding stand in a gym. She looked at me and asked if I would hand her purse up to her. I did a and she took a small bottle out and poured a small amount into a paper cup. I said, “Lillian, you must be tired.” She looked down at me and said, “Honey, I’m so tired I just want to go home and kick the dog.” Smiles and humor were always a part of the Carters and the campaign. Blessings to the Carter family and to all who knew and respected him.
Rob Hubler, Independence
* Original Article: