Things really have hit rock bottom in North Korea after the regime ordered human waste be made into fertiliser.
Dumpy despot Kim Jong Un has told citizens to provide 1,100 lbs of human “dung” for the spring planting season, three times what the average person produces yearly. Now waste is being traded on the black market and people have been seriously injured fighting over stocks of the human compost.
Kim has banned the internet, various hairstyles, microwaves, hot dogs and any TV shows featuring Alan Titchmarsh in denim jeans. Desperate citizens have even been trying to pinch poo from public loos and bathhouses to meet their quotas.
“That’s way more than the 312lbs the average person poops in a year, so merchants can make a fortune buying and selling it on the black market, and people resort to stealing it from public bathrooms and each other’s houses.”
But that’s often when things hit rock bottom and a resident of the county in South Pyongan province, north of the capital Pyongyang, told RFA: “Two men in Unsan county were fighting each other with axes and shovels and were seriously injured.
“A factory worker was trying to steal faeces from an outhouse next to the other guy’s home. When he saw the factory worker trying to scoop out the contents of his latrine, the homeowner came out with a shovel and hit him, he said.
In another incident, a high school pupil was caught searching in the public toilet, the resident said. He received a scolding from his community leader. “The head of the neighbourhood watch unit flipped the student’s cart over and shouted at him,” he said. “Then the kid’s mother came out and argued with the watch unit leader. Things escalated and a full-blown fight broke out.”
* Original Article: