Antifa goes after female MMA fighter who took down anti-Trump agitator at flag wave for veterans

Antifa — the masked, black-clad leftists who claim they’re “anti-fascist” but repeatedly have been caught on video ganging up on and beating up just about anybody who stands in their way — are going after MMA fighter Tara LaRosa.

LaRosa, as you likely recall, said a “violent” woman started a fight at a Portland, Oregon, flag wave for veterans Sunday — and the MMA fighter used her jiujitsu skills to pin the woman to the sidewalk until police arrived.

What is Antifa up to now?

The Twitter account of Long Beach Antifa called LaRosa a “violent white nationalist,” and pointed out to pay sites Cash App and Square that she’s using them for charity — and wondered if Cash App and Square will “take action” against the MMA fighter.

LaRosa took screenshots of the tweets and asked a question of her own:

So, let me get this straight… I break up a fight, saving one of their people from taking serious damage… And An…

— Tara LaRosa (@TaraLaRosa) 1573618010.0

“So, let me get this straight… I break up a fight, saving one of their people from taking serious damage… And Antifa tries to deplatform me from yet another site? Awesome,” she tweeted.

LaRosa’s Cash App link in her Twitter profile was still online Wednesday, Fox Business said, adding that Cash App and Square didn’t comment to the cable network.

What’s the background?

LaRosa livestreamed the flag wave on an overpass above Interstate 84 when the physical altercation started between the woman and a female from LaRosa’s group, the members of which were wearing “Make America Great Again” hats — the iconic symbol of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign — and insignias for the controversial Proud Boys.


Others with LaRosa told the woman on the ground that “you assaulted someone,” and “you’re going to jail.” The woman complained that she couldn’t breathe.

As LaRosa relented, she told the woman, “If you get up, don’t attack anybody.”

“I just got done having brunch with my friends,” the woman is heard saying, after which she accused LaRosa’s group of “antagonizing the city I live in.”

“Stop f***ing trying to fight; we’re not here trying to fight,” LaRosa is heard saying after the woman moved away and sat with her back to overpass fence.

“You don’t know what Donald Trump is!” the woman yelled. “I don’t agree with Trump!”

‘Violent woman got violent’

LaRosa put her cellphone away amid her livestream when she took down the woman. After the incident, she pulled her cellphone out and showed her interaction with police.

A “violent woman got violent,” LaRosa said, explaining that “I pulled her off using jiujitsu techniques … I keep people safe; that’s what I do.”

LaRosa told police that her group was on the overpass, facing passing cars and waving flags, when the woman approached them from behind and noticed their insignias and repeatedly said “f*** Proud Boys.” The woman then attacked a female from the flag-waving group, LaRosa said, and that’s when the MMA fighter stepped in. LaRosa said the woman bit her breast. No arrests were made, and police said there were conflicting accounts of the dust-up.

Anything else?

Fox Business said LaRosa, 41, was a past MMA champion and is among the female MMA pioneers of the sport. She last fought in May 2015, the outlet said.

*see full story by The Blaze