Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson tore into Brown University Wednesday night on Fox News after students at the university approved reparations for descendants of slaves “who were in any way connected to Brown.”
Carlson began by arguing that Brown University doesn’t give formal grades or teach anything to its students. One of the classes, Carlson said, is called “queer dance” which studies “the intersections of dance studies and queer studies in an inquiry into the emerging field of queer dance.”
Brown students, Carlson said, have some free time “as you can imagine.”
“But just this week, Brown students voted to approve reparations for the descendants of slaves who were in any way connected to Brown,” he added. “The students demanded more aggressive affirmative action in admissions as well, quote, ‘direct payments to descendants and targeted investments in black communities.’”
Student body president Jason Carroll reportedly said that it’s time to “put money in black folks’ pockets,” which, Carlson added, presumably included his own.
“Why shouldn’t Brown University pay for it? Brown was literally built with money from the slave trade,” Carlson asked.
Carlson noted that Brown’s endowment now stands at around $5 billion, which it does not pay taxes on. Last year, Brown generated around $500 million in investment income, according to Carlson.
“Brown University is effectively a tax-exempt hedge fund with a veneer of queer dance so that you won’t notice. The whole thing is a scam and there is no reason it should continue,” the Fox News host said. “Beginning tomorrow, Brown University ought to be forced to send $4 billion of its endowment to Black Lives Matter and then send the fifth billion to Al Sharpton who has been waiting for a long time for a payoff like that.”
Carlson added that $5 billion is “hardly equal to the cost of slavery” and is “just a start,” so Brown should be required to open its dorms to the more than 1,000 Rhode Islanders who are homeless, living in shelters or on the streets.
“Let’s not stop there,” he continued. “We can get even more diverse. Lagos, Nigeria has a population of 15 million people and it’s growing every day. It’s one of the most crowded places on the planet. Most of its residents are very poor and virtually all of them are black. So why shouldn’t we move, say, 30,000 ambitious young Nigerians to Brown University’s campus tomorrow?”
“If we are serious about diversity, we hope we are, it is hard to know why we wouldn’t do that. Is that too much color for you, Brown University? What are you, racist?”
Carlson said that if we followed the proposal, Brown University would have to make some accommodations, including kicking current Brown students out of their dorms to make room for the new students.
“You can imagine the caravan of Subarus on Fair Street leaving town,” he said. “Newly unemployed inclusion officers, bewildered queer dance scholars, sloped shoulder film studies majors driving back to their parents in West Chester with a bong between the seats. A sad parade. But think of the happy Nigerians.”
“Student Jason Carroll tells us it’s time to put money in black folks’ pockets. Let’s do this and give them meal cards, too. Is there honestly a single person who doesn’t think that would immediately improve Brown University? Of course it would.”
*story by The Daily Caller