In a poll taken just after the racist massacre in Buffalo, a whopping 64 percent of Republicans say discrimination against white people is “as big a problem” as anti-Black discrimination.
The suspect in last week’s terrifying racist attack — an 18-year-old White man named Payton Gendron, said in an online manifesto that he was motivated by replacement theory — an explicitly racist ideology that says, as a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll describes it, “A group of people in this country are trying to replace native-born Americans with immigrants and people of color who share their political views.”
Respondents to the poll were asked, “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Discrimination against White people has become as big a problem as discrimination against Black people in the U.S.”
Republican voters were twice as likely as everyone else to agree, with 64 percent saying they “Strongly agree” (35%) or “Somewhat agree” (29%), and 29 percent saying they “Somewhat disagree” (19%) or “Strongly disagree” (10%).
And an even larger 73 percent of Trump voters agreed that “Discrimination against White people has become as big a problem as discrimination against Black people in the U.S.”
The pollster pointed out other partisan divides in the poll:
More than three-quarters (77%) of Biden voters, for instance, select racism as one of the issues that “played a role” in the Buffalo shooting. Only 42% of Trump voters say the same — roughly the same number (40%) who select “liberal media (such as MSNBC)” as a contributing factor.
Asked to choose which of eight issues played the “biggest” role in the shooting, most Trump voters pick mental illness (56%), followed by racism (15%) and liberal media (14%). Just 2% say “too many guns.”
In contrast, a plurality of Biden voters select racism (39%), followed by “conservative media (such as Fox News)” (27%), mental illness (14%) and too many guns (10%).
In that same poll, 61 percent of Trump voters — and 53 percent of Fox News viewers — agree with replacement theory, as described by the pollsters.
The poll also showed that 66 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of Trump voters are concerned “that native-born Americans are losing economic, political, and cultural influence in this country to immigrants.”
That figure represents a sharp increase — almost double — in the prevalence of this view from a study published just before the Buffalo massacre.
* Article from: mediaite.com