General Motors funds transgender programs in elementary schools

General Motors (GM) gave a grant to an organization that supplies elementary schools with books promoting the transgender ideology.

The automotive manufacturing company donated money to the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) “Rainbow Library Program,” according to a 2021 Social Impact Report published by GM.

GM funds the “Rainbow Library’s” efforts to provide “supportive curriculum materials and book sets that are LGBTQ+ centered, racially diverse, and multicultural to K-12 schools.”

“This innovative program also provides ongoing support and professional guidance for educators to create inclusive, supportive and identity-safe classrooms nationwide,” the report continued.

General Motors has not said how much was given to the organization, but in 2021 it provided “$86.7 million in cash and in-kind donations to nonprofits working to help create inclusive solutions to social issues around the world,” the Epoch Times reports.

GLSEN’s website provides a list of lesson plans, “educator guides” and professional development training for educators.

The organization has also created a “Trans Action Kit” to train students and teachers for pro-LGBTQ activism.