‘Worst Job In The World’: Megan Rapinoe Continues Her Tour Of Pooh-Poohing All Over America

What a joke.

Megan Rapinoe really is something else, man. And most American sports fans will straight up tell you about their distaste for the women’s soccer player. Yeah, you have the ignorant lefties and clueless fools who praise her, but hell, how on earth can you defend her latest bashing of the greatest country in the world?

Rapinoe, whose most recent case of being a despicable human being was going on a tirade about how God isn’t real and blah, blah, blah, made the outright asinine statement in a new Netflix documentary series titled “Under Pressure: The U.S. Women’s World Cup Team” that playing for the United States is the “worst job in the world.”


What a fool, a straight up fool.

She’s pissed off because we’re “supposed” to win … what on earth kind of losing mindset is that? Wouldn’t you want to play for a dominant nation that’s expected to win the gold in every tournament they’re in?

All I’m hearing is that Megan doesn’t like to play for a winner, which makes so much sense. After all, she’s a LOSER.

* Original Article:
