Harris basks in media gaslighting glow: Border czar? What border czar?


Kamala Harris may have been America’s worst border czar in history — having, for example, responded to one interviewer’s question about why she hadn’t even visited the border that she hadn’t “been to Europe,” either.

But that was yesterday’s reporting. Today’s reporting is all about denying the vice president was even President Biden’s border czar. Border czar? What border czar?

“Kamala Harris Wasn’t the ‘Border Czar,’” Time Magazine just wrote.


PolitiFact weighed in similarly, calling the statement, “President Joe Biden appointed ‘Kamala Harris to be his border czar to deal with illegal immigration … Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration’” — “mostly false” on its Truth-O-Meter. The site went on to helpfully explain, “Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.” Nice. So we can all agree Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached, right?

Regardless: the gaslighting media that took gaslighting to epic new levels by telling America and the world that Biden was mentally fit to be president is now, on the heels of telling America and the world that Biden is not mentally fit for another four years — but still mentally fit to finish this term — yes, this gaslighting media is now telling us that Harris was never, no, never, “border czar.”

And their finely sliced and diced logic is based upon the tiny nugget of truth that “border czar” is not actually a job title — something everybody knows already. But because “border czar” is not a real position, it can mean whatever the jolly liars in the Democrat Party want it to mean.

Back when Biden put Harris at the helm of America’s border policy, and told her to go south, young woman, and determine why migrants were flowing across the border — we in the sane side of thinking all knew that Biden appointed Harris to cover for his own fecklessness at the border; to give him the cover he needed to keep borders wide open for illegals to cross while pretending to his political enemies that he was actually doing something to control the border.


And in a June 2021 televised interview with Harris, NBC’s Lester Holt made it clear that all of America was of the understanding that she was, in fact, the point person for border control issues in the Biden administration. In fact, in a June 2021 write-up of the Holt-Harris television interview, The Hill made clear that its journalist and editorial staff understood Harris was the point person for Team Biden’s border policy — i.e., the appointed “border czar,” as the term suggests.

From The Hill: “Holt repeatedly noted that Harris, who is charged in the Biden administration with handling the flow of Central American migrants at the border, hasn’t actually been to the border. Holt twice asked Harris directly if she would visit the border. The second time, Harris responded with a bit of incredulity. ‘At some point, you know, we are going to the border,’ Harris told Holt when asked if she plans to visit the border. ‘We’ve been to the border. So this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.’ ‘You haven’t been to the border,’ Holt responded. ‘And I haven’t been to Europe,’ she replied.”

Harris lied.

Harris was called out on her lie.


Walk like a duck. Quack like a duck. It’s a freaking duck.

Harris was border czar.

She was tasked by Biden, as The Hill wrote in 2021, “with handling the flow of Central American migrants at the border.”

Just because she’s the heir apparent pick as her party’s presidential candidate — and just because her party’s in chaos — and just because the Democrat-fawning members of the media are trying their darnedest to sell her as a strong leader, or at least a viable option to Trump — and just because she’s kind of a sucky candidate and even the media can’t sell her as otherwise right now — just because that’s all true, doesn’t mean that the American people have to suffer more gaslighting and deceptions. Four years of covering for Biden are enough.

Fact is, Harris was put in charge of the border by Biden. She failed. She didn’t even visit the border until it got too uncomfortable for her to go on interviews and address her failure to visit the border. But even after she visited, she failed to press for controls at the border.


That in itself is reason enough to not vote for her. Another truism? Members of the mainstream media lie, deceive, duck, dodge and gaslight — they do whatever it takes to ding Trump, to destroy MAGA, to elevate Democrats, and they’ll continue to do so into November, past November, for the foreseeable future. That in itself is reason enough to stop supporting mainstream media.

* Original Article:
