Unburdened by what has been? Harris hasn’t renounced a single radical position

In the past two weeks, since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee with absolutely zero popular votes, she has not addressed a single one of those positions. Instead, her spokespeople have insisted that she doesn’t hold those extreme positions. Neither she nor her spokespeople have explained why or when she changed her mind.


Every reporter with the opportunity to question her should press her on exactly these questions.

In 2019, Harris proposed socializing America’s health insurance industry, calling it “Medicare for All.” She has flip-flopped on whether she would outlaw private insurance. She should explain whether she believes in socialist healthcare and whether she would tolerate private insurance or ban it.

Another socialist program Harris liked was a “federal jobs guarantee.” As a senator, she co-sponsored a bill to test-run a plan, but this week, her spokesperson told the Washington Examiner that she no longer liked the idea. Her spokesperson gave no explanation, and she personally hasn’t addressed it.


Harris should explain if she still supports defunding ICE and if she thinks her comparisons to the KKK were fair. She should probably apologize to the agency’s workers — and not through a spokesman.

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris said on live television in 2019. She has never renounced that position. Her spokespeople have said she no longer believes that, but that statement has never come from her mouth, and nobody has explained what occurred to change her mind, or where her reasoning was faulty in 2019.

On immigration, fracking, and socialized medicine, we have no idea what Harris believes.


We can guess, of course: Harris said far-left stuff when she needed to win far-left votes, and now her priority is winning moderate votes. That raises another question: Was she lying back then, or is she lying now?

* Original Article: