Majority back mass deportations for illegal aliens: Poll

A majority of Americans favor the mass deportation of illegal aliens, a recent survey has revealed, presenting a potential window for former President Donald Trump to make headway with one of his signature campaign pledges.

In a Scripps News/Ipsos survey released Wednesday, 54% of respondents supported mass deportations. A further 62% expressed support for allowing law enforcement to detain illegal aliens. Sixty-nine percent backed restricting the number of migrants who may claim asylum while 68% support a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens who arrived as children.


Asked what they saw as the nation’s top priority on immigration, 33% said securing the U.S.-Mexico border, 20% said offering a path to citizenship for undocumented persons, while 18% said deporting illegal aliens.

Conducted Sept. 13-15, the survey questioned 1,027 U.S. adults and has a margin of error of +/- 3.6%.

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