Scientists claim to have discovered location of Noah’s Ark 5,000 years after ancient flood

Recent findings confirm that the mound suffered a catastrophic flood 5,000 years ago, supporting the biblical account of a flood covering the region between 3000 and 5500 BC.

“Our studies show that this region harbored life in that period and that, at some point, it was covered by water, reinforcing the possibility that a catastrophic event of great magnitude occurred,” said researchers.


At the 7th International Symposium on Mount Ararat and Noah’s Ark, researchers unveiled fresh evidence that may bolster their theory suggesting the structure is an ancient ship.

They collected 30 soil and rock samples from the Durupinar Formation and submitted them to Istanbul Technical University for analysis.

The tests showed that the soil contains traces of clay-like materials, marine deposits, and even the remnants of marine life, such as mollusks.


According to literal interpretations of the Bible, the world was covered with water during the Chalcolithic period, which lasted from 5500 to 3000 BC.

Lead researcher Professor Faruk Kaya said: “According to the initial results, it’s believed there have been human activities in this region since the Chalcolithic period.”

In the Bible, Noah is instructed to build a boat with “a length of three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.”

Using those units, Noah’s Ark would measure 515 feet (157 meters), which is close to the 168 meters (538 feet) of the Durupinar formation, according to the Daily Mail.


Since its discovery in 1948, these factors have led many to theorize that the boat-shaped geological structure is really the fossilized wood of Noah’s Ark.

Nonetheless, this recent evidence is far from definitive. Professor Kaya admits: “With the dating, it is not possible to say that the ship is here.”

Similarly, the Noah’s Ark theory has faced significant criticism from geologists who contend that the Durupinar Formation is simply a natural geological feature.

The Mount Ararat and Noah’s Ark Research Team emphasizes the need for further research and continues to seek funding for a visitor center at the site.


According to the Bible, Noah’s Ark saved humanity and all the animals from certain annihilation during an ancient flood.

Now, 5,000 years after the floodwaters, scientists believe that a boat-shaped mound 18 miles (30km) south of Mount Ararat in Turkey is actually the fossilized remains of a wooden vessel.

The Durupinar Formation is a 163-metre (538ft) geological structure made of limonite, an iron ore.

Researchers have long been captivated by its shape and structure, which closely resemble those described for the Ark in the Bible.

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