
AI Artist Creates Satanic Panic About Hobby Lobby

June 19, 2023

Pictures of Baphomet statues on sale at the Christian craft store vent Viral on Facebook as some called for a boycott. People on social media are sharing pictures of what they think are Satanic-seeming displays […]


Kimmel Locked in Losing Feud With Sean Hannity

April 15, 2018

After losing his feud with Sean Hannity, last-place late night host Jimmy Kimmel chose to focus on the news that the FBI hadraided the office and hotel room of President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Jimmy […]

Law & Order

Trump Spokesperson Hits Media Hard In 90 Seconds

August 5, 2017

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders lambasted the media on Tuesday for being “misleading” with their “false narrative” about Russian collusion with President Donald Trump’s campaign. A reporter asked Sanders about the letter in which Donald […]