Bus attacked by trans activists for saying boys and girls are different ends tour

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — After a tour riddled with gay violence, the “Free Speech Bus” made its final stop in Washington D.C., on Tuesday.

“As we reflect back on the tour, it is clear that the #FreeSpeechBus highlighted the vicious intolerance shown to anyone who expresses dissent regarding the transgender agenda,” the CitizenGO website explained. “Gender ideology advocates made it clear that they will stop at nothing to silence those who support the message of the #FreeSpeechBus.”

The message of the bus is in bold letters on both sides of the vehicle: “It’s Biology: Boys are boys, and always will be. Girls are girls, and always will be. You can’t change sex. Respect for all.”

The point of the bus is to proclaim the truth that gender “is determined by biology rather than by emotions and feelings,” Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage and the International Organization for the Family said. The call is for “all Americans to respect the free speech rights of citizens to debate these issues without fear of being demeaned, harassed, or threatened with retaliation.”

“Our objective with this bus tour is to spark a public conversation about the truth of gender and to hit ‘pause’ on the headlong rush by the left, the media and activist judges to redefine gender in the law,” Brown explained.