Pro-Life Wins Again in United Nations, with President Trump’s Help

The pro-life position of the Trump administration was evident at the United Nations during the 50th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD), held April 3-7, and organized under the theme “changing population age structures and sustainable development.” The annual meeting, run by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), was again used by abortion activists to promote access to abortion as a human right but the meeting ended in failure as countries could not reach agreement on issues related to abortion and sexuality.

One pro-abortion NGO at the U.N. charged that the U.S. “helped to disrupt a productive meeting by taking an ideological approach to policymaking in global negotiations”. Yes! The US did take a pro-life ideological approach to policymaking, in sharp contrast to anti- life positions the Obama administration had advanced the past eight years.

The pro-life policies of President Trump resulting in the cut-off of U.S. funds to international NGOs that perform or promote abortion and the defunding of UNFPA for its complicity in forced abortions and sterilizations in China demonstrate that the U.S. will no longer fund the destruction of unborn children around the world and that the U.S. will no longer be a part of international pressure on countries to legalize abortion.

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