RACISM IN ACTION: Schumer: I Won’t Vote For This Judge Because He’s White

As The Daily Caller reported on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated on Wednesday that he would not vote for a judicial nominee because of the color of his skin. The Trump nominee, Marvin Quattlebaum, is white. This, according to Schumer, is absolutely unacceptable. Schumer fumed:

The nomination of Marvin Quattlebaum speaks to the overall lack of diversity in President Trump’s selections for the federal judiciary. Quattlebaum replaces not one, but two scuttled Obama nominees who were African American. As of February 14th, 83 percent of the President Trump’s confirmed nominees were male, 92 percent were white. That represents the lowest share of non-white candidates in three decades. It’s long past time that the judiciary starts looking a lot more like the America it represents. Having a diversity of views and experiences on the federal bench is necessary for the equal administration of justice.

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