On Oct. 30, I reported that the Department of Justice had assigned an FBI Special Agent in Charge, or SAC, to review Rep. Ilhan Omar’s apparent, astonishing spree of felonies from 2009 to 2017.
Minnesota state Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R) had previously filed a complaint on the matter with the Minnesota District of the Department of Justice. That office — headed by U.S. Attorney Erica MacDonald, a 2018 Donald Trump appointee — directed the FBI to review the complaint. An FBI SAC formally met with Rep. Drazkowski, and others, in mid-October to receive a prepared file of evidence and related information.
I can confirm that the FBI has taken additional steps since this October meeting.
In October, the FBI SAC stated that the wide range of criminal activity suggested by the evidence against Rep. Omar may lead the FBI to expand the review to other federal departments. In such situations, the SAC continued, the FBI often acts as a hub — sharing evidence, or coordinating a joint investigation, with several other investigative agencies.
Indeed, this has since occurred.
At least the following two federal agencies were contacted by the FBI with information regarding Rep. Omar. The FBI then placed the October meeting attendees in touch with selected investigators within these two agencies:
1. Department of Education Inspector General
This is related to evidence suggesting that Rep. Omar’s 2009 marriage to a UK citizen may have been an attempt to facilitate federal student loan fraud, or other fraud involving higher education.
● Shortly after Omar’s 2009 marriage, the new couple moved to Fargo, North Dakota. Omar enrolled at North Dakota State University in August 2009. Her husband enrolled the following year.
Omar received a degree in June 2011. According to Omar herself, she and her husband then permanently separated in June 2011. The marriage’s start and end coincide with the start and end dates of Omar’s NDSU enrollment.
Incredibly — according to address records, and a statement from Omar herself — she was also still living with her first husband, and their two kids, throughout this second marriage.
● In 2017, Omar finally filed for divorce. Under penalty of perjury, she submitted a nine-question form to the court attesting to having lost all contact with her NDSU husband in June 2011.
Dozens of verified social media posts, photos, and even a 2016 interview with the NDSU husband indicate otherwise. It appears Omar perjured herself eight times answering those nine questions.
(Click here for analysis of an additional court document Omar submitted, which suggests the likely motive for Omar taking such a risk. Each instance of perjury in Minnesota can receive a sentence of five years.)
2. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
● This is related to evidence suggesting a breathtaking number of possible immigration-related felonies. As I stated in an introductory passage within my July 18 article:
The [following] answers to those questions about [Rep. Omar’s 2009 marriage] appear to give probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.
To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.
The involvement of ICE with a possible criminal investigation could hardly be of greater political import to Omar.
For several years, Omar has vigorously supported the abolishment of ICE. Her 2020 re-election platform — featured on her campaign site, and pictured below — targets ICE agents with vicious rhetoric that simply must be read by interested parties.
States Omar’s site: “Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is an unreformable organization that has become increasingly militarized, brutal, and unaccountable.”
Since August 2016, the remarkable story of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s past has produced scarce political, law enforcement, or media activity. A near-perfect inversion of the Trump/”Russian collusion” yarn, with which it is inseparable.
Consider how the Trump investigation was initiated, as former FBI Director James Comey tells it. (Recent statements from Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham suggest disagreement.) Comey treated an unverifiable claim, from a foreign diplomat, of a drunken remark by a low-level Trump staffer as predicate for spying on a presidential campaign.
Comey never did find stronger evidence. Yet the Democratic Party and supportive media hardly paused, for three years, covering this investigation.
Concurrently — in August 2016 — Minnesota reporters Scott Johnson and Preya Samsundar were publishing extensive, verified, still-unchallenged evidence implicating Rep. Omar in multiple felonies. Their exponentially more substantial evidence was ignored by the Democratic Party and supportive media. Their evidence was even ignored by law enforcement, per an extraordinary public dismissal shortly before Omar’s 2016 election to the Minnesota House of Representatives.
FBI guidelines require only “‘articulable factual basis’ of possible criminal activity” to open an investigation. By September 2016, Johnson and Samsundar had objectively breached that threshold. Picture Comey applying his “Crossfire Hurricane” standards to their work — perhaps Omar’s trial reaches the sentencing phase before the November election.
I followed up on Johnson and Samsundar’s investigation in early 2018. A year later, the proportions of the verifiable case against Omar resemble that against a Batman villain. A comical number of likely felonies, all backed by gobsmacking evidence: Certified state and federal documents; certified UK government documents; archived state public school records; archived U.S. and UK address records; verifiably unmanipulated digital photographs; corroborating statements from Omar herself; corroborating statements from Omar’s ex-husband himself; several years of social media posts from Omar’s verified accounts; and several years of suddenly deleted social media posts from Omar’s verified accounts.
And that’s before we reach the good stuff.
The only man on Earth with the same name and birthdate as Omar’s ex-husband — appears to have been raised in the London home of Ilhan’s verifiable sister. And has the same three family names.
Yet media continued to approach the developing story of Omar’s background with zero rigor.
Their distortions were provably deliberate, and their intentions blinking-red evident. Simply, Ilhan Omar’s “identity” struck the Democratic Party and supportive media as being a best-case vehicle for selling progressivism. Omar’s character? Worst-case. But they preferred the fantasy — they printed it, over and over, along with that other one sparked by drunken hearsay. The rule of law and the safety of Jews were roadblocks.
The Democratic Party and the media have not changed. Consider the coverage of the House Democrats’ articles of impeachment, which do not even allege that the president committed a crime. However — much of the Obama-era, politically infected law enforcement leadership is indeed fired and gone. We have cause to believe many career federal investigators are honorable and were glad to see them go.
Rep. Omar now appears to be receiving the scrutiny her “articulable facts” have deserved since August 2016; perhaps a criminal investigation is open.
*see full story by The Blaze