Teacher Helps Students Hide Gender Transitions Using Class Survey

A Minnesota middle school teacher is using a class survey to help hide students’ gender transitions within her classroom, according to Fox News.

Mandi Jung, a teacher at Highland Park Middle School, uses a back-to-school questionnaire to ask students what name and pronouns they would like her to use in class, according to Fox News. The questionnaire then asks students if “it is okay” for Jung to use the name and pronouns selected with the student’s parents and if it isn’t, what name should be used.

As a part of the questionnaire, students are allowed to choose as many pronouns as they want, Fox News reported. The students are also asked if the pronouns they selected can be used with other students in the class.

In 2015, the St. Paul Public School District adopted a “Gender Inclusion policy” which states that all students’ gender identities must be respected “by honoring the right of students to be identified and addressed by their preferred name and pronoun.” Under the policy, staff must honor a student’s preferred pronouns and name, regardless of parental consent.

Teachers and schools across the country are working to hide students’ gender transitions from parents; in California, a teacher encouraged educators through a district-wide email to hide student’s gender transitions from their parents. Linn-Mar Community School District in Iowa, has a “Transgender and Students Nonconforming to Gender Role Stereotypes” policy that allows all students in seventh grade to create a “gender identity plan” without their parents’ permission.

The St. Paul Public School District and Jung did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

* Article from: The Daily Caller