Bleeding-heart ‘exposé’ shows the perversity of NYC’s migrant mercy

New Yorkers should thank The City for accidentally illustrating the perversity of shelling out big bucks to accommodate the tens of thousands of illegal migrants flooding into Gotham.

In bleeding-heart fashion, a 2,500-word-plus City “exposé” tugs at heartstrings over the migrants’ plight — how they’re stuck in Midtown hotels with the city failing to do more for them.

Yet in an anecdote about migrant woman “Beatriz,” the online news site unintentionally reveals a key fact:

With no need to pay for the hotel the taxpayers provide for her, Beatriz has been able to save up enough money to help “her brother, two cousins and their respective partners” make it to New York.

They’re now “rapidly finding places in New York City’s voracious off-the-books economy.”

Think about that: Hard-working, actual native New Yorkers are subsidizing migrants like Beatriz, who then use their savings to bring more illegal immigrants here.

These newcomers then illegally work “off the books,” likely paying no taxes, for at least six months.

Feel ridiculous yet?

This is what President Biden’s wave-them-in border policy has wrought, except that the tab for New Yorkers is expected to top $4 billion, just through next year. Not even counting the lost tax revenue.

Oh, and those hotel rooms also become unavailable for tourists who might spend big here, not just on accommodations but food, entertainment, transportation, merchandise and more.

It’s pure insanity — and precisely why Congress never meant to leave the border so wide open.

None of that, of course, is the main point of the piece, which focuses on the migrants’ “difficulties”: “Beatriz can’t offer her brother a couch to crash on” because the hotel “has strict rules about who can enter.”

A Legal Aid Society lawyer gripes about the lack of “case management” for asylum seekers.

City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams blasts Mayor Eric Adams for his “reactive,” rather than proactive, response.

Hotel rooms have become unavailable for tourists who are willing to spend money.
Don’t these migrant advocates get it?

These people aren’t legally supposed to be here. Most asylum claims fail, and the vast majority of these migrants are simply skipping the line, not fleeing active oppression.

Plus, the more handouts and other free help they get and the better their accommodations, the more of their family and friends will want the same for themselves and rush in — thanks in good part to the generous subsidies New Yorkers provide.

This dynamic only snowballs from there.

It’s unsustainable. And it’s got to stop.

No, that doesn’t mean denying migrants essential services once they’re here.

But it does mean not letting them cross the border in the first place.

* Article From: The New York Post