Madonna and Child Defiled

Our Lady and the Christ-Child are being terribly blasphemed and sold at auction.

Here’s the dreadful news:

The mega online auction and sales giant eBay is allowing the sale of T-shirts carrying a disrespectful and blasphemous depiction of Our Lady and the Christ-Child.

ATTENTION: with apologies! …the following shocking description is necessary but rather vulgar.

eBay allows these sellers to use infamous artist Andres Serrano’s disrespectful and blasphemous image of the Madonna & Child on the fronts and backs of auctioned T-shirts, …

BUT, in the photo, Serrano has dunked the holy statue in a jar of his own urine!

The “so what” and disrespectful attitude towards Jesus and Mary must STOP!

eBay will listen and take action if we get enough people to join us!

These eBay sellers have singled out holy Mary and the Christ-Child to make a buck!

They know perfectly well how much she is revered, loved, and respected by Catholics like you and me, and I say it’s time to speak up boldly and in great numbers!

Please join me in this protest petition.
It is important and essential that we react to these horrible blasphemies to avoid slowly slipping into inexcusable complacency…

When it comes to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother’s name and honor, I want to be the first to say to these companies: “You are NOT touching them!”

I am not going to remain silent, and I know that you will not either.

eBay allows these sellers to auction a blasphemy against the Madonna & Child, so they are going to hear from us!

  • In May of 2015 you helped us pressure PACSUN clothing into pulling their blasphemous “Virgin Meowy” socks within 3 days of our instant E-protest.


  • And in January of 2017 you helped us get an apology from online clothing retailer SHEIN and they ceased the sale of their horrendous “F*** The World” jacket of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

So you know we must try to achieve the same result now for God with our opposition to eBay’s auctioning of this vile blasphemy against His Madonna & Child.

In Sister Lucia’s overnight vigil of May 29-30, 1930, Our Lord appeared to her and told her why His Mother was asking for the 5 First Saturdays Devotion. He explained that the five first Saturdays correspond to the five kinds of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the fifth of which is:

  • Direct Insults Against Her Sacred Images

This eBay protest is not just a blasphemy to the Mother of God, but to her Divine Son, the Christ-Child; a double blasphemy.

Please help me send 100,000 protests to eBay.

Petition HERE