On Monday, feminist writer Jessica Valenti made clear just why so many conservatives now homeschool their children. She tweeted out an explanation to conservatives about LGBTQ language, and added that her second-grader was learning about it:
To the folks who find LGBTQ language “confusing”: If my daughter’s second grade class gets it, so can you. pic.twitter.com/kgDKlZH5jP
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) April 20, 2018
Now, you might be asking yourself why a seven-year-old girl needs to learn about sexual desire at all, let alone homosexual sexual desire; you might be asking yourself why a seven-year-old should be indoctrinated about children being “assigned male or female at birth” when such language is the language of anti-scientific nonsense.
But according to Valenti, you would be the degraded one. After all, school teachers should certainly inform pre-pubescent children about matters of moral and scientific controversy. But, you might answer, young children don’t have the critical thinking skills necessary to ask important questions about this framework.
That, of course, is entirely the point. Children are supposed to be indoctrinated with left-wing views regarding gender and sex — they’re supposed to be told that sex and gender are utterly disconnected, that every sexual activity is equally valid. Children are supposed to be confused about matters of deep philosophical and lifestyle importance, so that later, they feel free to follow whatever feelings they have. We can’t teach children nothing — then their parents might teach them the wrong things. They might teach their children that men were men and women were women, for example, which could create preconceived notions about sex. And if parents were to teach children about the societal value of heterosexual lifestyles, or about the mere biological advantages of heterosexual activity, that could lead to discrimination.
So, better to get them in line now.
And then the Left wonders why conservative parents are pulling their children out of classrooms run by the Left in droves?