Law & Order

5 Things I Learned At Berkeley Last Night

November 6, 2017

So, I visited Berkeley last night. And it was terrific. The students were engaged; the police were finally allowed to do their jobs. Antifa stayed away. Sure, there were protesters – lots of them. That’s […]

Law & Order

Mueller Must Be Removed, Disbarred, Prosecuted

November 6, 2017

Larry Klayman decries special counsel’s ‘legal jihad unfolding with impunity’   As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel […]

Law & Order


November 6, 2017

Barack Obama may have left office, but radicals on the bench are ensuring his open border policies remain, no matter what the cost to you, or our democracy. This non-sense has gone on for too […]

Law & Order

FBI Says Black Identity Extremists Murder Cops

November 6, 2017

Black Identity Extremists are killing law enforcement officers and, according to a new report by the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, there is a high likelihood they will continue to do so. And no one in the […]